Chapter Eternal is the place where we remember our Pi Mu brothers who have passed on. If you would like to notify us of the death of one of our fraternity brothers please email the webmaster or contact Tom Muscarella.
Bill Keifman Scroll #179 entered Chapter Eternal January 15, 2022 after fighting Covid since the beginning of December 2021. He was on a ventilator since Dec 5th. He leaves behind his wife and two children. His brother Duane has established a GoFundMe account to help the family with living expenses. Click Here if You would like to contribute. RIP Frater.
Stephen “Fumba” Feuerman Scroll #87 has entered the Chapter Eternal after a long battle with cancer. From the Pi Mu family our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. RIP Frater.
It is with a heavy heart and alot of sorrow that I have to break some bad news to our Pi-Mu family. Frater Beu, Scroll #451 passed away this morning and entered Chapter Eternal. Jeff was a kind good hearted kid and was only 19. He was loved by everyone in the chapter. The Fraters are taking this hard and are heartbroken. Rest in peace Frater.
On February 14, 2019, after a lengthy illness, Frater Timothy J. Moran passed away peacefully. Tim was an integral part of our fraternity from the very beginning. He is #19 on our Pi-Mu scroll, was a Past Prytanis and was an active alumni and board member right up to his death.
Sam Hoyt {a NYS Assembly Member} eloquently described Tim as a wonderful man with a huge heart and a great sense of humor. Saying he was one of the kindest, most caring and compassionate people he ever had the pleasure of knowing and knows that his commitment to social justice and equality for all will have a lasting impact in this community for generations to come.
We certainly believe that anyone who knew Tim would agree.
Fraters, Sorry to report bad news tonight. Frater Joe Prekker Scroll #61 passed into Chapter Eternal today, one day past his 51st birthday. He fought all the way to the end. Rest in peace my friend, my brother.
Yours in the Bond, Musky
Peter M. Mullen
Frater Peter M. Mellen left us and entered Chapter Eternal on June 1, 2015. He passed suddenly and left a daughter.
Pete pledged in the Fall of 1989 as member of the PHI Class. Pete was well liked and was always ready with a joke to lighten the mood while pledging. He is scroll # 118.
Peter was an avid golfer and past President of the Audubon Golf Club in Amherst, NY.
On August 19, 2011 William H. Ganley left us and entered Chapter Eternal.
Sad news. Bill Ganley passed away in West Sacramento, California. He is Scroll # 110 and was initiated in April of 1989 and graduated in 1992.
Bill was a super guy, one of the nicest guys you would ever meet. He was in ill health for years and was a fighter. He also had law degree.
On August 25, 2009 Rafa Correra left us and entered Chapter Eternal.
I have some bad news to share, friends. Rafa – Rafael Correra has passed on. He died in Chicago Tuesday night after falling from a building. He fought for an hour in intensive care before subcoming to his injuries.
To those who knew him, he was a bright star who lit up a room with his presence…. He always brought humor, positivity, and fun with him everywhere he went. With his infectious smile he could always brighten up any bad day.
Rafa was one of a kind. I’ve come across A LOT of people in my life, but not one so kind, giving, and fun. Rafa is # 228 on our scroll.
He will surely be missed- Chris C
On October 20, 2005 “Dollar Bill” Roge left us and entered Chapter Eternal.
Bill Roge who was one of our original founders on the scroll at # 26. Bill was a Captain in the NYPD.
On June 29, 2005 Dr. Phillip Santa Maria left us and entered Chapter Eternal.
Words cannot describe what a wonderful gentleman, scholar and Frater Dr. Phil was. He was our friend, and a fantastic advisor. He exemplified the principles of Love, Charity, and Esteem everyday. He is truly missed.
If desired, Fraters can always contribute to the Phillip Santa Maria Memorial Award Buffalo State College Foundation, 1300 Elmwood, GC 319, Buffalo, NY 14222.
On July 22, 2000 Salvatore “Sam” Muscarella left us and entered Chapter Eternal.
Salvatore is the father of Tommy, one of PI-Mu’s founders. Salvatores’ love of his son, the fraternity and his adopted sons is a cornerstone of the history of our chapter. Salvatore is #36 on our scroll.
On May 14, 2000 Michael E. Adams left us and entered Chapter Eternal.
Mike is #43 on our scroll. He pledged in the Spring of 1983 as part of the Theta Class. Mike grew up on Grand Island.
Michael was a great guy, friendly to all and always smiling and having a good time. Michael was also a Frater who would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.
We will always remember you Mike… RIP
Rich Holman left us and entered Chapter Eternal. In October 1996, my best fraternity pal, Rich Holman (Pledge name: Bunyon — as in Paul Bunyon, because he always wore flannel), was killed in an automobile accident in Glynco, Georgia. Rich was seven weeks away from completing the Federal Parks Police Academy and would have graduated on his birthday. He was engaged to a girl that he dated all through college. When I think of Teke at Buffalo State, I think of Rich.- Chris M.
September 3, 2010
Fraters, I would like to invite you to comment on your friendships and memories of our dear Fraters who have entered the Chapter Eternal.
Yours in the Bond
Tom Muscarella