Pi-Mu Chapter
Table of Contents
Chapter I Organization
Chapter II Meetings
Chapter III Officers and Committees
Chapter IV Finance
Chapter V Membership
Chapter VI Risk Management
Chapter VII Amendments
1.1 ORGANIZATION. The Pi Mu Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity located at the State University College at Buffalo, being fully chartered as a regular undergraduate Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, specifically adopts, accepts and acknowledges the International Constitution and International Bylaws and Traditions of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and, in addition, the following Bylaws are adopted under which this Chapter shall operate.
2.1 REGULAR MEETINGS. Regular meetings of the Chapter shall be held in at a designated room every Sunday of the regular school year at a designated time established by the Chapter. In case of emergency or necessity, the Prytanis may change the day, hour or place by placing written notice on the Chapter bulletin board 24 hours in advance for all members to see.
OFFICER MEETINGS. Officers of the Chapter will meet weekly in advance of the regular Chapter meeting at a designated time established by the Prytanis.
COMMITTEE CHAIR MEETINGS. The Epiprytanis will meet weekly with the chairs of all committees at a designated time, on a designated day, established by the Epiprytanis.
2.2 SPECIAL MEETINGS, HOW CALLED. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Prytanis or shall be called by him upon written request of no less than ten percent (10%) of the undergraduate membership in good standing by posting the call on the official Chapter bulletin board at least 24 hours in advance of the time fixed for the meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be clearly stated in any such request, and in the call to order of such meeting.
2.3 QUORUM. A quorum for the conduct of business at any regular or special meeting of the Chapter will consist of fifty-one percent (51%) of the undergraduate membership in good standing to include five officers, one of which will be the Prytanis, the Epiprytanis or the Hypophetes.
2.4 OPENING AND CLOSING. The first meeting of each month shall be a formal ritual meeting of the Chapter and shall have a specific order of business. The informal opening and closing ritual shall be used for all other weekly meetings during the calendar month and follow the same order of business. However, formal ritual may be used for each and every meeting of the Chapter. Nothing herein shall in any way discourage formal ritual for all meetings at the Chapter. At the first meeting of the month, the Declaration of Principles shall be read.
2.5 ORDER OF BUSINESS. The first order of business for meetings shall be as follows:
1. Opening by Prytanis, using ritual.
2. Roll Call by Grammateus.
3. Acceptance of minutes of last meeting.
4. Report of Officers and Committee Chairmen:
a. EPIPRYTANIS. – Report on status of Bylaws, upcoming Chapter events, Greek events or campus events, and committee issues.
i. RUSH CHAIRMAN. – Report on Rush committee and the rush/recruitment efforts of the Chapter. Remind members of coming rush events and note any changes in previously approved plans.
ii. INTRAMURALS CHAIRMAN. – Report on Chapter intramural activities.
iii. MEMBERSHIP QUALITY BOARD CHAIRMAN. – Report on date of next meeting, general status of members, and the Member Standards.
iv. SOCIAL CHAIRMAN. – Report on social activities of the Chapter and the campus, update social calendar.
v. GREEK RELATIONS / IFC REPRESENTATIVE. – Report on IFC business and /or activities.
b. GRAMMATEUS. – Remind Chapter of unfinished business and pending legislation, read any correspondence received by the Chapter since the last meeting.
c. CRYSOPHYLOS. – Report on status of Chapter finances; collection of members’ fees, dues, rent, assessments or other obligations; accounts receivable; accounts payable; and status of initiation fees.
d. HISTOR. – Report on communications and visits with/by alumni, status of Chapter’s alumni newsletter, and status of communication with the editor of THE TEKE Magazine.
e. HYPOPHETES. – Report on status of Chapter Scholarship Program, status of member and Chapter scholastics, Chapter and campus activities and projects, fraternal activities and projects.
f. PYLORTES. – Report on Risk Management Program and Policies from the Chapter, university and TKE National level and any special activities as may from time to time be assigned by the Prytanis.
g. HEGEMON. – Report on the Education Committee, the Chapter Education Program, the New Member Education Program, and the Ongoing Education Program.
5. State of the Chapter Address by Prytanis.
6. Announcements not previously covered.
7. Unfinished business (old business) as previously reported by the Grammateus during the reading of the minutes.
8. New Business.
9. Discussion on prospective members, when appropriate.
10. Passing of the gavel for remarks for the good of the Fraternity.
11. Closing by Prytanis, using ritual.
2.6 SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS. The following shall be special order business on the occasions specified to wit:
A. At the first regular meeting after any Conclave, the report by the Chapter delegate regarding all legislative issues, the results of the Grand Council elections, and any other Conclave matter, shall be given following the reading of the minutes.
B. Following official visits by any International Representative, the report of his inspection shall be given following the reading of the minutes.
C. At meetings called by, or because of, a Court of Inquiry, the business of the Court its recommendations shall be taken up immediately following Roll Call.
D. Charges against members shall be heard under the proper headings, and the method, time, and procedure of trial determined immediately thereafter, and special court selected if trial is to be by that method.
E. At the next regular meeting after a vacancy occurs in an office, the election and installation to fill said vacancy shall be taken up under the report of the Nominations Committee. This meeting shall be a formal ritual meeting.
F. At the last meeting of each semester, the Chapter shall conduct the Fraternity for Life ritual, assisted by representatives from the Board of Advisors and/or the Alumni Association, in order to induct the graduating seniors.
2.7 VOTING. Voting on motions, on Candidates for Membership, and/or all other voting activities of the Chapter shall be open and by the usual sign, except the Prytanis may call for a division of the house or a Roll Call and must do so if requested by at least five undergraduate members in good standing. Secret ballot shall be allowed only on election of officers and Top TKE Chapter Member or other such awards. Absentee voting is never permitted. Voting is a privilege extended only to members in good standing. Abstentions are not allowed.
A. Election of officers shall be held at the first regularly scheduled meeting in the month of December, under new business.
B. Two weeks prior to the election, the Prytanis shall post on the bulletin board or other prominent place a listing of each office. Any interested undergraduate member in good standing may post his own name in nomination for that office.
C. During the election meeting, each candidate for office shall have five minutes to present a statement as to his qualifications and his plans to carry out the office.
D. The order of elections for officers is as follows:
1. Prytanis
2. Epiprytanis
3. Hypophetes
4. Crysophylos
5. Hegemon
6. Pylortes
7. Histor
8. Grammateus
E. Voting for each office shall be by secret ballot. Should no candidate receive a simple majority on the first vote of those present, the bottom candidate will be removed and another vote taken. This shall proceed until one candidate receives a simple majority of those present.
F. Special elections to fill open offices between regular shall proceed in the same manner as regular elections except that the duty to post notice on the bulletin board for two weeks shall not apply.
2.9 ATTENDANCE AT CHAPTER MEETINGS. Every member shall be present at every meeting unless excused by the Prytanis upon written application one-week prior to the meeting, said application being submitted to the Grammateus and approved by the Prytanis.
2.10 PRIVILEGES OF ALUMNI MEMBERS. Any alumnus or honorary member in good standing may attend any meeting of the chapter and may join in discussion and debate the same as any active member, but may not make or second motions or vote.
2.11 SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. Attendance at mixers is restricted to active undergraduate members in good standing, alumni, and approved guests. The chapter house shall be off limits to all others with one exception. The exception is for residents of the house, who may have approved guests in the confines of their rooms. Approval shall be at the discretion of the Social Chairman, providing that the resident is in good standing and that any decision conforms to Chapter Bylaws and actions by the MQB.
3.1 PRYTANIS. The duties of the Prytanis are:
A. To preside over all meetings;
B. To enforce the Constitution, Bylaws, traditions, and rituals of the International Fraternity and the Chapter;
C. To have all the duties and powers of a president; to serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter; to identify and report on the goals of the Chapter; and to carry out the wishes of the Chapter, in so far as they are consistent with the Constitution, Bylaws, traditions and rituals of the International Fraternity and the Chapter, and the laws of the state, local government and university;
D. To meet with the Board of Advisors and Crysophylos as necessary, but as a minimum, within two weeks prior to the close of the school year, and to assist in the preparation of a budget for the following school year;
E. To appoint all committee chairmen, removing those who do not fulfill their responsibilities;
F. To serve as the voting delegate to campus interfraternal organizations, unless another member shall be designated;
G. To serve as the Chapter delegate to Grand Chapter meetings, Conclaves, and other such events unless another delegate be so designated;
H. To, in general, oversee all matters necessary to promote the good and welfare of the Fraternity and its members;
I. To serve as a member of the Membership Quality Board;
J. To ensure that the Annual Report to the national office is completed and filed in the proper time frame, and
K. To serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Advisors, with full voting privileges.
3.2 EPIPRYTANIS. The duties of the Epiprytanis are:
A. To perform all the duties of Prytanis in the absence of the Prytanis;
B. To generally assist the Prytanis;
C. To hold copies of the Constitution, Bylaws of the Chapter and International Fraternity, and to be familiar with their contents, bringing copies of them to all meetings and being prepared to answer or secure answers for any question or interpretation of them;
D. To conduct all correspondence with the Offices of the Grand Chapter, Grand Officers, and other International Representatives including Regional President, District President, District Vice President, etc. regarding interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws;
E. To maintain and keep copies of the Constitution, laws, bylaws and policies current by immediately inserting all approved amendments and changes;
F. To coordinate the activities of all committees;
G. To serve as the coordinator of the Chapter calendar for each school year to include campus events, Greek events, Chapter events, the university schedule and holidays/vacations; to post this the current and upcoming month’s calendar in a conspicuous location inside the Chapter house; and to create an electronic version for distribution to members, the Board of Advisors and the Faculty Advisor.
H. To coordinate and schedule Chapter goal setting retreats prior to the Fall and Spring semesters.
I. To serve on the Risk Management Committee.
3.3 GRAMMATEUS. The duties of the Grammateus are:
A. To keep a permanent record of all proceedings of the Chapter, preserving and passing this record to his successor in office.
B. To send copies of all meeting minutes to the Offices of the Grand Chapter, Regional and District Officials, university Greek Advisor and members of the Board of Advisors;
C. To attend to all correspondence not otherwise delegated, maintaining a file of all Chapter correspondence with the Offices of the Grand Chapter, the school and other interested parties;
D. To report any unfinished business to the Chapter at each regular meeting;
E. To prepare and forward, promptly, to the Offices of the Grand Chapter a record of each new initiate, honorary or transfer member, coordinating the payment of all appropriate fees with the Crysophylos;
F. To execute and forward to the Offices of the Grand Chapter the credentials of each Chapter delegate to meetings of the Grand Chapter and Conclaves;
G. To certify to the Offices of the Grand Chapter the nominations of the Chapter and Faculty Advisors;
H. To provide to the Membership Quality Board the meeting attendance record of all members upon request;
I. To coordinate and execute a central filing system to be maintained in the office of the Chapter in the Chapter House that will contain an individual file on each member to hold all forms and documents related to that member, and
J. To coordinate and execute a central filing system to be maintained in the office of the Chapter in the Chapter House that will contain all forms and documents related to Chapter operations by school year, to include but not limited to: Annual Report, Risk Management Report, Roster, Meeting Minutes, Financial Statements, and similar materials.
3.4 CRYSOPHYLOS. The duties of the Crysophylos are:
A. To act as treasurer, collecting all moneys due to the Chapter and paying all bills owed by the Chapter, keeping an accurate record of all transactions, and to maintain a record of all amounts owed by each individual. Accounts receivable as of the first of the next month shall be posted by the 15th of the present month;
B. Present a written statement at the first meeting of each month to each member owing moneys to the Chapter, and to make a report, in writing, to the Chapter at each meeting of all receipts and expenditures;
C. To coordinate with the Grammateus to promptly remit to the Offices of the Grand Chapter all initiation fees, Annual Membership Fees, Liability Insurance Fees, and other moneys owed;
D. In consultation with the Treasurer of the Board of Advisors, to make a complete financial statement and reconciliation of bank account(s), no less frequently than once each month, concerning all chapter accounts, filing one copy in the chapter records and sending a copy to the Chapter Advisor and Chairman of the Board of Advisors;
E. To assist in developing the Chapter budget for the next year and to be responsible for its proper execution after approval by the Board of Advisors and Chapter;
F. To perform all other functions as treasurer to ensure the financial well being of the Chapter;
G. To create and coordinate all fundraising projects approved by the Chapter;
H. To plan work schedules if necessary for fundraising projects;
I. To take attendance at the fundraisers and turn results over to the Chapter Grammateus;
K. To provide to the Membership Quality Board the financial records of all members, upon request;
L. To serve as an ex-officio member of the Board of Advisors, and
M. To prepare and execute the Membership Contract upon initiation and prepare and execute the Membership Agreement each semester for each member of the Chapter.
N. Should the chapter approve philanthropy events, it will be the responsibility of the Crysophylos to appoint a chair person for the event and insure that the event complies with university guidelines as follow:
A philanthropy notification/charitable philanthropic activity agreement form needs to be submitted one week prior to the event to the Greek Advisor.
3.5 HISTOR. The duties of Histor are:
A. To keep a permanent record of the personal history and address of each member of the Chapter, informing the Offices of the Grand Chapter of any changes of address of active and alumni members, especially to include change of address at Graduation;
B. To act as the Chapter historian, preserving all items of historical importance;
C. To promptly provide information to the THE TEKE editor at the Offices of the Grand Chapter concerning individual chapter activities;
E. To furnish information on activities of the Fraternity or its individuals to the school and community newspapers and other publications;
E. To execute credentials in the absence of the Grammateus;
F. To report to the Chapter all contact with, and/or correspondence from, alumni;
G. To safely keep and transmit to his successor the scroll of the Chapter, and
H. To coordinate all alumni activities, events and functions with the Chapter’s Alumni Association President or his representative.
I. To coordinate an annual composite of undergraduate members.
3.6 HYPOPHETES. The duties of Hypophetes are:
A. To conduct all devotional exercises of the Chapter;
B. To maintain and have custody of all ritual equipment, paraphernalia, and Silver Books;
C. To administer the Oath of Office to the officers-elect;
D. To preside in the absence of both the Prytanis and Epiprytanis;
E. To develop the Chapter’s Scholarship Program;
F. To collect and record the grades of each member;
G. To counsel any member about his academic progress and difficulties, arranging for further help, tutoring and assistance as needed;
H. To extend the hospitality of the Chapter to visitors and to see to their needs, and
I. To direct Chapter participation in all campus activities not otherwise directed by these Bylaws.
3.7 PYLORTES. The duties of the Pylortes are:
A. To act as doorkeeper and Sergeant-at-Arms at all meetings, maintaining order as needed or directed by the Prytanis;
B. To act as custodian of the Chapter’s meeting room, keeping it clean and in orderly form for all Chapter meetings;
C. To be custodian of all flags or other external insignia, properly displaying them whenever customary, and
D. To serve as Chairman of the Risk Management Committee with the responsibility for the Chapter’s compliance with all risk management procedures and related policies at the level of the Chapter, university and TKE National.
3.8 HEGEMON. The duties of Hegemon are:
A. To serve as the Chapter Educator, responsible for the education of all chapter members:
B. To serve as Chairman of the Education Committee and to select the members of the Education Committee, as approved by the Executive Committee;
C. To coordinate the ordering and maintenance of materials and supplies for Candidates for Membership;
D. To coordinate all member continuing education workshops as described in Chapter 5, Section 5.6, which will be held three times each semester.
E. To be responsible for the “Big Brother” Program;
F. To conduct a T.E. (Teke Experience) once in the Fall and once in the Spring for the education of the entire Chapter;
G. To serve as a member of the Membership Quality Board, and
H. To serve as a member of the Risk Management Committee.
A. Chapter officers are to serve from January 1 to December 31, exercising the duties as defined in the International Constitution and Bylaws of TKE and further defined in these Bylaws. The Chapter officers shall be known as the Executive Committee;
B. The Chapter may remove any of the officers at a regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members in good standing present, and
C. Each officer may appoint such members as he may see fit to assist him in properlyand successfully carrying out of the duties of his office.
3.11 SOCIAL CHAIRMAN. The duties of the Social Chairman are:
A. To prepare and submit in writing to each member a social program concerning the next college term based on appropriate budget recommendations as approved by the Board of Advisors. Such programs shall be presented under new business for approval;
B. To supervise and direct the social program, hiring hall, bands, services, purchasing supplies, or making other expenditures as approved in the previously adopted program, with all contracts being reviewed and approved by the Board of Advisors prior to being signed by the Chairman of the Board of Advisors;
C. To ensure that sufficient quantities of non-alcoholic beverages and sufficient quantities of food are available at all social functions;
D. To coordinate with the Risk Management Committee in developing and enforcing a social policy for the Chapter that complies with Chapter, university and TKE National policies.
E. To serve as a member of the Risk Management Committee, and,
F. To provide the proper notifications to the University Greek Advisor regarding upcoming social events, in accordance with university policy. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
3.12 (RUSH CHAIRMAN). The duties of the Rush Chairman are:
A. To develop and implement an appropriate and effective program to attract new members to the Fraternity, submitting the program in writing to the Chapter at the end of each term for approval for the next term;
B. To ensure that all Chapter members are trained in recruitment (rush) techniques by holding at least one rush clinic per semester;
C. To invite interested individuals to accept membership and to report the same to the Chapter at the next meeting;
D. To receive and evaluate invitations from the national office and similar to attend conferences and clinics related to rush techniques and ideas, and
E. To serve as a member of the Membership Quality Board.
3.13 INTRAMURALS CHAIRMAN. The duties of the Intramurals Chairman are:
A. To organize and supervise the athletic participation of the Chapter in all appropriate intramural events;
B. To coordinate applications and arrange payment of fees and deposits for intramurals; C. To announce and post all intramural schedules;
D. To coordinate Chapter participation in other university activities such as Homecoming and Greek Week.
E. To allow all coaches of intramural teams to be elected by the Chapter.
3.14 RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. The duties of the Risk Management Committee are:
A. To ensure that the Chapter follows the guidelines of the university and TKE Risk Management Policy as well as the Chapter Risk Management Policy;
B. To develop, implement, and enforce a social policy which shall address all matters of risk management, which may include but not be limited to alcohol, drugs, hazing, etc. on Chapter property or at Chapter functions, and other risk management concerns;
C. To cooperate with the Hegemon in ensuring that all Chapter members are educated in, and aware of, all TKE and Chapter risk management policies;
D. To report any violations of the Risk Management Policy to the Chapter Membership Quality Board, the Board of Advisors, Chapter Advisor and the Offices of the Grand Chapter, and
E. To hold at least one risk management clinic per semester for the Chapter and to seek out and actively participate in any and all university-sponsored risk management educational sessions or similar programs; .
F. The Risk Management Committee shall be composed of the Hegemon
Epiprytanis, Social Chairman, House Manager, and Pylortes; and shall meet monthly with the Chapter Advisor during the Fall and Spring semesters and in August before the start of the Fall semester.
G. It will be the responsibility of the Risk Management Chairmen to insure that the chapter complies with the following university policy:
All chapter members must attend an Greek Life Office Risk Management workshop each year. The workshops will be offered in September and January, immediately following formal rush periods. If a chapter extends bids to people after the workshops, the chapter’s new member educator must contact Greek Life to schedule another workshop. Any chapter member who does not attend will be placed on social probation (i.e. unable to attend chapter or Greek social functions) until he attends a workshop the following semester.
3.15 MEMBERSHIP QUALITY BOARD. The duties of the Membership Quality Board are:
A. To develop recruitment standards and Member Standards and to present them to Chapter for approval;
B. To review these standards each year and present recommendations to the Chapter for approval;
C. To review each rushee for the purpose of determining that he meets the financial and academic qualifications for membership, and to bar from membership anyone of bad reputation, immoral habits, addiction to the use of intoxicants, or who has violated any state, provincial or federal criminal law.
D. To interview each Candidate for Membership prior to initiation to verify his status relative to the successful completion of the member education program and that he meets the financial and academic qualifications for membership.
E. To evaluate Chapter members each academic term according to established standards for members in good standing. The MQB can interview those members who do not meet these standards with the intent of defining corrective actions to be taken by those members, as well as cite members who have met the standards on a sustained basis for appropriate recognition, i.e., Knights of the Classic Lore, etc.
F. To hear all cases involving misconduct of members and violations of Chapter Bylaws, the Chapter Risk Management Policy, the Constitution, Bylaws, laws, traditions, obligations and ritualistic ceremonies of the Fraternity or violations of university policy;
G. To, upon hearing a case against a member, prefer charges for trial by Chapter Court or Special Court, or make appropriate sanctions intended to educate the member and serve as a deterrent to repetition of offenses upon conviction of violations, ensuring that the sentence fits the offense, which may include:
1. Requiring members to complete assigned tasks or educational programs, following these suggestions listed by offense;
a. Academics. Members that do not meet the academic standards will be required to have increased library hours, attend academic skills sessions, and have 3/4 of all social events taken away. If the Chapter as a whole does not meet the academic standards, the satellite dish, billiard balls, foosballs and similar will be taken away. Once academic standards are attained for an individual member or the Chapter, the MQB can restore privileges.
b. Financial. Members who do not meet their financial obligations will not have house privileges, must attend all meeting, have no voting rights, must attend all mandatory events, and can’t attend any social events.
c. Attendance.
Chapter Meetings. Members that miss more than two meetings per semester, or three for the year cannot attend the next social event that happens after the missed meeting.
Mandatory Events. Members that miss a mandatory event con not attend the two following social events that happen after the event that was missed, and they will be sent before the MQB.
Intramurals. There will be a $5.00 fine for all individuals who agree/sign-up for specific events and fail to show-up.
Conduct and Behavior. Appropriate sanctions can be imposed, providing that these sanctions reflect the nature of the violation, included preferring charges as the violation warrants.
2. Requiring members to seek academic assistance or other counseling;
3. Reducing members’ participation in specific Chapter events;
4. Sanctioning members with warnings, probation or suspension;
5. Recommend charges for revocation of membership regarding any member who has seriously or repeatedly fallen below the Member Standards. hese charges shall be read at the next regular Chapter meeting and a vote should be taken to impanel a Special Court. The Special Court shall be conducted as outlined in the International Constitution and Bylaws (The Black Book).
H. Members place on probation or suspension, or inactive members seeking to return to active status, must appear before the MQB for a hearing to determine their progress or status prior to either removal of sanctions or receiving the MQB’s approval to return to active member status.
I. The MQB shall be composed of the Prytanis, Hegemon, Rush Chairman, Chapter Advisor and two members appointed by the Prytanis (One out of the two appointed members should not be an officer).
J. Notice of MQB sessions will be posted at least 24 hours in advance on the Chapter bulletin board. Because the Chapter Advisor may not be in the Chapter House during the period of advance notice, the Prytanis will contact him regarding the date, time and location of the MQB. A courtesy e-mail will be sent to the Board of Advisors President.
3.16 PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE. The duties of the Public Relations Committee are:
A. To conceive, plan and guide a consistent and active program to improve the public relations of the chapter, fraternity and school through better operations, cooperation, service, hospitality, participation, support, contact, commendation, communication and recognition;
B. To develop and maintain good relations with local news and communications media, including the campus newspaper, yearbook, broadcasting station, shcool information, school public relations, alumni offices, town newspapers and broadcasters, and members’ hometown news sources;
C. To communicate, inform, and publicize where appropriate, regarding chapter and member achievement, new developments;
D. To seek recognition and understanding of the elements of fraternity life and its outstanding aspects;
E. To develop and maintain good relations with parents of members, affiliated parents’ organizations, associates and rushees;
F. To coordinate an annual Parents Day in the Fall and Father and Son Day in the Spring;
G. To promote and foster better Inter-fraternity and Inter-fraternity-sorority endeavors;
H. To work with the Chapter Histor and related committees, as well as the Chapter Advisor, local Alumni Chapter, and the Board of Advisors.
3.17 BROTHERHOOD. The duties of the Brotherhood Committee are:
A. To assist the Hegemon in the education of the associates and the first semester New Members;
B. To schedule and conduct at least two brotherhoods per semester for the Chapter’s undergraduate members in good standing
C. To help the Chapter members keep in mind the ideals and standards that are the essentials to brotherhood: Love, Charity, and Esteem;
D. To be aware of and counsel any undergraduate member in good standing who might be having academic or financial problems.
3.18 ALUMNI. The duties of the Alumni Committee are:
A. To publish an alumni newsletter for the months of September, January, April, and July;
B. To Recognize successful Alumni;
C. To act as an undergraduate Chapter representative to the Alumni Association;
D. Coordinate special alumni events such as Homecoming, Graduation, Sports Events, and etc.;
E. To assist the Social Committee with the coordination of Alumni Awards at Red Carnation Ball;
F. To maintain communications with the Alumni President.
A. The Prytanis and Epiprytanis shall appoint at the first meeting of his term of office, after consultation with the Executive Committee, the following committee chairmen: Social Committee, Rush Committee, Intramurals Committee, Risk Management, and any other standing committees;
B. The Prytanis shall recommend a member to be House Chairman to the Board of Advisors for ratification at the first Board meeting of his term;
C. Each committee chairman is responsible for the successful functioning of his committee. He may be replaced at any time by the Prytanis, who shall report any such changes to the Chapter at the next regular meeting, and
D. The Prytanis shall, as needed, call meetings of the officers and committee chairmen to act as an Executive Steering Committee.
E. It will be part of each officer’s duty to be knowledgeable in the Chapter Bylaws, university student code and Greek policies and TKE National Bylaws, Traditions and Constitution, for the purpose of ensuring that the Chapter operates within the path these item define.
A. The Chapter Advisor will conduct an officer retreat at the beginning of each semester. This retreat will focus on helping the officers work together as a coherent management team. Also, goal setting sessions and the future outlook of the chapter will be discussed.
B. The Chapter Advisor will conduct a chapter retreat at the beginning each semester. The chapter’s strengths, weaknesses, short- and long-term goals, and strategies to achieve these goals will be discussed. The Chapter Advisor will find useful documents in the advisor manual such as the chapter officer duty check list and the TKE RETREAT KIT.
C. The Chapter Advisor is to supervise initiations and rituals (providing the Chapter Advisor is an initiated member of TKE). This is to insure its positive effects on the members.
D. The Chapter Advisor is to conduct interviews with the new officers to explain to them their role in the chapter, assess their preparedness for the task ahead of them, and to determine if they need help to get started.
E. The Chapter Advisor is to attend and play an active role in fraternity leadership conferences and conclave.
F. The Chapter Advisor is to attend at least two chapter meetings a month.
G. The Chapter Advisor must understand the Black Book and the Chapter Bylaws for disciplinary matters.
H. The Chapter Advisor is to attend as many rush events as possible during formal rush, so as to answer any questions of rushees and provide motivational talks to the chapter during rush to keep them moving in a forward direction.
I. The Chapter Advisor is to assist and guide the chapter officers. The areas the Chapter Advisor will want to be knowledgeable in order to aid the officers are: financial matters, campus involvement, social programming, reports and paper flow, scholarship, public relations, house management, and risk management.
Each person initiated shall pay in full, prior to his initiation, the appropriate initiation fee as outlined in The Black Book to the Offices of the Grand Chapter and any other expenses involved. Deferred payment plans or time extension may not be granted nor shall the initiation of any member commence until all fees are paid in full.
Each member is responsible to pay the Annual Membership Fee as outlined in the Black Book and/or assessed by the International Fraternity. Liability insurance fees are paid through the Board of Advisors to the Chapter’s independent insurance provider.
Dues and fees are set by the Chapter at the final meeting of the year based on the requirements of the budget previously submitted to, and approved by, the Board of Advisors.
Special assessments, defined as any fee levied to every member of the Chapter equally, may only be levied by a two-thirds vote of the Chapter and only once in any college term. Examples of special assessments include composite photos, expenses for Brotherhood events, and any item or event for which everyone has to pay equally.
All debts to the Chapter or Board of Advisors for dues, fees, rent, assessments or other moneys must be paid in advance by semester or by school year within 14 days of the start of the semester. A discount will be extended to active members who elect to pay both the Fall and Spring installment together. The discount will be 10%, but does not impact the chapters monthly payment to the board.
All summer fees (dues and/ or rent) shall be paid on the 10th of the first month after the end of the Spring semester.
Any member who shall, under Section 4.5 above, be delinquent shall be automatically suspended from all fraternity activities and shall have no privileges until he shall have satisfied the indebtedness and appeared before the MQB. In case the suspended individual is an officer, the Prytanis shall appoint an undergraduate member in good standing to fill the office until the suspended officer is either reinstated or removed by the MQB. Should the Executive Committee be unsuccessful in securing settlement of the debt, the Chairman of the Board of Advisors shall commence action under the International Laws to remove the individual’s membership and turn the indebtedness over to a collection agency.
No expenditure shall be made, or indebtedness incurred, by any person not expressly authorized to do so within these Bylaws. No person is authorized to spend or incur indebtedness shall exceed his authorized budget. Any expenditure over $100.00 (not including routine house supplies) shall have three bids from three different companies before any purchase shall be authorized.
No bill shall be paid without presentation of receipts. All disputes over accounts shall be referred to the Executive Committee who, after review, may further refer them to the Board of Advisors.
Any contracts that hold Pi Mu chapter liable in any way will be reviewed by one Board of Advisors Alumnus member and reviewed and signed by the Crysophylos and/or the Prytanis.
Reimbursement for chapter dues and chapter house rent shall fall into two categories:
A. Members that leave the chapter before or on the university established last day to drop classes without evaluation date shall receive a prorated refund equal to the portion of the total bill that falls after the afore mentioned university date.
B. Members that leave the chapter after the university established last day to drop classes without evaluation date shall forfeit any portion of the total bill left unused.
5.1 MEMBERSHIP DEFINED. The membership of the Fraternity shall consist of undergraduate, inactive, alumni, honorary members, and Chapter Corporations.
A. Undergraduate Member Defined. An under graduate member is a male student in good standing at the institution which he is attending, who has not graduated with a Bachelor degree, who shall have been regularly initiated by an undergraduate chapter, and who shall not have been granted inactive status.
B. Inactive Member Defined. Written consent of the Chapter Advisor and the Board of Advisors is required for inactive status, and a copy of said consent shall be filed with the Offices of the Grand Chapter. The Executive Vice president may require sufficient documentation from the Chapter Advisor and the Board of Advisors. An inactive member shall have none of the rights or privileges of an active, honorary or alumni member.
An inactive member is a regularly initiated member in good standing that shall be:
First: An undergraduate student at a school where no chapter of this fraternity is established, or
Second: An unaffiliated undergraduate student in attendance at a school where a chapter of this fraternity is established and is a regular initiate of an undergraduate chapter at another school; or
Third: An undergraduate member whose participation in chapter activities has been precluded because of:
(a) Not being enrolled as a student as the result of an extended illness, injury or other extreme and unexpected reason.
(b) Not residing in the metropolitan area where his chapter is located because of participation in an internship, co-op program, foreign exchange student program or student teaching program.
A member will no longer be allowed to leave the chapter before their graduation and retain their membership badge and certificate, unless that member has gone through the proper channels (as stated above) to obtain inactive status from the Board of Advisors and TKE International Headquarters.
C. Alumnus Member Defined. An Alumnus member is one who continues to be in good standing, who has graduated school, or continues to be in attendance in school after graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree, and who has been regularly initiated into Tau Kappa Epsilon as (a) an undergraduate member of an undergraduate chapter, or (b) as an alumnus member of an undergraduate colony which has been chartered as a chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, or (c) as an alumnus member of a local fraternity, affiliated or unaffiliated, which has been chartered as a chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
D. Restoration of Inactive members. An inactive member who has acquired such status under Section B of this article may be restored to undergraduate membership by two-thirds vote of his chapter following an appearance before the MQB to determine status and qualifications for active membership.
E. Expulsion, Suspension, Probation and Dropping from Rolls. Members may be expelled, suspended, put on probation, dropped from the rolls and other wise punished for non-payment of obligations and such offenses as may be provided by law, upon due notice and opportunity for hearing.
F. Demit. A member, at his own request, may demit by written request to the Executive Vice President. With such request, said member shall surrender his badge, membership card and membership certificate. Upon approval of said demit, the Executive Vice President shall immediately notify the appropriate fraternity official to strike said member’s name from the chapter scroll.
A member who demits shall have no rights or privileges in Tau Kappa Epsilon.
G. Any person wishing to reenter the chapter after having their badge and membership certificate removed must go through the rush process, new member education, new member MQB, and must go through initiation and receive a new scroll number.
To be considered an active member of the Pi Mu Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon, you must be enrolled full time (12 hours) at the State University College at Buffalo. If individuals are enrolled in less than 12 hours, they must submit a request stating why they should be considered for active status. This request should be given to the Prytanis, who will bring it up at the next Membership Quality Board meeting. The Membership Quality Board will then decide the status of the member. All active members must pay dues to the chapter and TKE International Headquarters and pay individual member insurance.
5.3 RUSH.
At the last regular meeting of each month, the Rush Chairman shall present his plans, programs and budget requirements to the Chapter for approval. Once approved, the Rush Chairman is empowered to conduct rush activities, to invite new men to join, and to arrange all matters to successfully bring men into the Fraternity as new members.
A. The Chapter shall meet to determine at an appropriate time, either after rush functions or at the end of the week during formal rush or at a regular Chapter meeting, which rushees to refer to the Membership Quality Board for an interview.
B. The Rush Chairman may refer a rushee to the Membership Quality Board for a screening interview.
C. After the Membership Quality Board interviews a rushee, it shall determine if the rushee is to be invited to join TKE.
D. If a rushee is approved for membership, he shall be presented with an invitation (“bid”) to join the Fraternity.
E. After accepting the bid, the candidate shall participate in an induction ceremony, sign a Covenant, and shall be assigned a Big Brother.
F. The Candidate for Membership shall be inducted within 14 days.
G. No man may become a member of the Chapter of TKE without having first been interviewed by the Membership Quality Board.
Any undergraduate active member in good standing can extend a bid to a prospective associate, with written notification to the Rush Chairman and Prytanis.
5.6 VOTING ON CANDIDATES FOR MEMBERSHIP. MQB will make recommendations to the Chapter on extending membership status to associates who complete the membership education process, at which the Chapter will decide by a 2/3 vote during a regular Chapter meeting.
A. Academics. For prospective members that have just come out of high school, to receive bids, they must have a 2.25 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and a minimum 950 SAT and/or 18 ACT score. For prospective members that have transferred from another university to USI, to receive bids, the transfer student must have a minimum GPA of 2.25 on a 4.0 scale.
B. Financial. Inform the potential member of the financial obligations of membership to the Chapter and the International Fraternity, and make a specific inquiry if he can meet them.
C. Extracurricular activities. Potential members are recommended to have demonstrated participation in extracurricular activities (academic clubs, teams, church activities, ET. Al.).
D. Beneficial talents and/or skills. Potential members must have demonstrated talents and/or skills that would benefit the chapter and the International Fraternity.
E. Other Issues. As a general rule, potential members should be viewed as those who will share the goals and ideals of the Chapter. There are no hard and fast rules regarding character, however three important areas include background (no criminal record), attention to personal grooming and interpersonal communication skills (ability to talk to others, rush).
A. Academic performance. An active member must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25 and a minimum semester GPA of 2.4 to remain in active status. The minimum semester GPA will increase by 0.1 at the beginning of every spring semester until the minimum semester grade requirement equals a 2.6 or the all men’s average (whichever is higher). Any member not meeting the minimum grade requirement will be placed on Academic Probation (5.10 A). For officers and committee chairmen, they must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 to remain in office.
B. Financial. All obligations to both the chapter and to the International Fraternity must be met. If a member does not pay their dues and/or rent by the due date there will be a 10% increase to that member’s bill, unless other arrangements are made with the Crysophylos.
C. Attendance. Members must attend all chapter meetings. Members are allowed two excused absences per semester. These excuses are at the discretion of the Prytanis. All excuses must be presented to the Grammateus regardless of event or meeting.
Every member must attend all mandatory events. No unexcused absences are allowed; this includes rush week, ritual, philanthropy, fundraisers, etc.
Members must attend all member education sessions that are designed by the Hegemon.
Members must be active in at least one committee. All attendance rules are at the discretion of the Prytanis.
D. Conduct and Behavior. All members shall abide by the Code of Conduct of the Chapter, the student rights and responsibilities under the University code of student conduct and the standards set forth by the International Fraternity.
E. New Member Recruitment. All members must recruit at least one new member per semester.
A. Standards. For a new students to be extended a bid, they must have a minimum high school GPA of a 2.25 on a 4.0 scale and/or have a 950 SAT of an 18 ACT score. For transfer students to be extended a bid, they must have a cumulative GPA of 2.25 that transferred to USI on a 4.0 scale.
B. Grade Evaluations. Grade evaluations will be required to be completed by all members. These evaluations will be collected every four weeks until the end of each semester. Members will turn their grade evaluations into the Hypophetes at his discretion.
C. Continuing Education. Continuing education will consist of outside speakers coming into the Chapter and talking about topic such as time management, how to study, resume making, AIDS, sexual abuse, interviews, local issues, computer literacy, test taking, and writing skills. The chapter will have a minimum of three workshops a semester for continuing education.
Any member of the Chapter may be placed on a probationary status (by MQB) for failing to meet the Member Standards established by the Membership Quality Board. While on probation status, members may lose specific privileges. Some of the privileges that may be taken away include: voting rights, the right to participate in social programs, the right to participate in intramural programs, the right to serve as a Big Brother, the right to select new members, the right to hold office, and the right to live in the Chapter house.
A. Academic Probation.
This may include Social Probation, (additional) study hours, (additional) house duties, tutoring, and Academic Skills assistance. The period a member can be on academic probation is a maximum of two semesters. If any member fails to reach the minimum grade requirement for three consecutive semesters they will be called before a chapter court, and, at that time, must remit their badge and membership certificate.
B. Social Probation.
Prohibiting a member from attending all but one non-mandatory social function per semester. This includes mixers, competitions (not including Greek Week), and any other event that the Prytanis sees fit. The social event that may be attended is up to the discretion of the member.
If a member is absent from two successive regular meetings without excuse, he shall be required to appear before the MQB to determine his membership status.
An undergraduate member in good standing, an alumnus in good standing, the Chapter Advisor or any member of the Board of Advisors can make allegations based on fact or perception against any other member and will be required present information and testimony with the charge before the MQB.
A. New members must attend all new member meetings with their big brother.
B. New member must pass all quizzes and test with a passing grade of 90%. Quizzes and tests may be retaken.
C. New members must complete a big/little brother project approved by the Hegemon.
D. New members must complete the New Member guide in full.
E. New members must attend the Three Fires Ritual.
F. Members must be initiated and active for a full year.
G. Must have a 2.5 cumulative GPA.
H. Members must participate in one registered organization on campus.
A. Members must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75
B. Member must be a member of the Order of the Founders for at least two semesters.
C. Members must have been an officer or committee chairman.
D. Members must remain in good standing according to chapter membership standards.
E. Member must be or have been a member of at least one other registered campus organization.
F. Member must have participated in one community service project.
A member must graduate from the university and be in good standing for initiation into the Fraternity for Life.
In the event of an emergency at or during a Chapter function at another site, follow these steps:
A. Call 911.
The President or the ranking officer at the scene should do this. Remain calm, explain the situation briefly, allowing the 911 operator to ask questions as needed.
B. While waiting for authorities to arrive.
1. Assign doorkeepers
2. Close Chapter House
3. Assemble all member/guest in a common area inside the Chapter House and calmly inform them of the emergency
4. Assign a member telephone duty with the intent of keeping the line open for calls from emergency officials, Chapter Board members, or the Chapter Advisor; terminate other calls quickly and prevent outgoing calls unless made by an Chapter or emergency official.
5. Determine if any witness exist; obtain names and telephone numbers
C. As soon as possible, call the following individuals in this order.
1. President, Undergraduate Chapter
2. President, Board of Advisors
3. Chapter Advisor
4. TKE National Headquarters
5. Greek Advisor
D. Instruct members to make no statements to anyone except emergency officials, TKE officials, Board members or University officials.
E. Do not discuss the situation until a member of the Board, the Chapter Advisor, or a University official arrive.
F. Make no statement to the media until the situation in under control and after the Board President, the Chapter Advisor, and a University official have approved. Such a statement can only be delivered to the media by the Chapter spokesman which will be the undergraduate Chapter President.
A. DO NOT call the member’s parents, family or friends; medical personnel will notify the appropriate individuals with the exact condition of the member.
B. IN THE EVENT OF A DEATH, the President of the Board, or an official of the University will notify parents.
C. IN THE EVENT OF A SUICIDE ATTEMPT, DO NOT call the member’s parents, family or friends; medical personnel will notify the appropriate individuals with the exact condition of the member.
D. Following any emergency, the President of the Board of Advisors will appoint an investigative team. This team will consist of (need), and be responsible to:
1. Submit a preliminary report to the Grand Chapter of TKE within 48 hours.
2. Submit a final report to the Grand Chapter of TKE within 8 days.
E. In the event of any emergency, the president of the Board of Advisors is the individual-charge. If this individual cannot be reached, contact other members of the Board in this order:
1. Treasures of the Board
2. Board members in alpha order
3. Failing to reach any Board member , contact the University officials.
F. During an emergency, remain calm, tactful, and cautious. Avoid speculations or jumping to conclusions.
G. After any emergency or trauma, suggest members take advantage of University counseling services.
These procedures have been prepared in accordance with TKE National By-Laws, policies and policies in effect at the date of this writing. These procedures apply to all members of Pi Mu Chapter and guests of these members without exception or exclusion. These procedures apply to Chapter-sanctioned events, whether held at the Chapter House or at another site, and to impromptu events.
NOTE: Members in this context refers to members on the scroll and associates.
A. Only “closed” parties will be hosted.
Admittance limited to members, members’ dates, prospective members, and/or friends of the Chapter. Invited guests are to be limited to a reasonable number according to the capacity of the facility and shall not exceed three times the number of members in good standing (initiated and new members). Alumni and parent events shall be exempt from the guidelines set forth for the numbers at attendance. There must be a written guest list available at each entrance indicating all invited guests. Open parties are not permitted.
B. Alcohol policy.
1. Minors cannot consume alcohol at a fraternity function.
2. Alcohol will not be distributed or sold.
3. All non-rush social events will be BYO; all rush events will be dry.
4. Guest will be refused admittance if they are obviously under the influence.
5. Members and guest of legal age at non-rush social events may enter the Chapter House with alcohol, providing the amount of alcohol does not conflict with the F.I.P.G. guidelines established by TKE National.
6. During non-rush social events, alcohol may be consumed by legal age members and guest on the Second and Third Floor of the Chapter House only. Appropriate provisions will be made at each function to insure alcohol is not consumed in other areas of the Chapter House by any member or guest. Alcohol may not be consumed by anyone anywhere in the Chapter House during rush related social events.
7. Alcohol may not be dispensed from member living quarters during non-rush or rush related social events.
8. Members or guests who become obviously under the influence may be ejected from the Chapter House; a friend or designated driver may be appointed to see the individual safely home.
9. Every member is considered a host during a social event; all should assist with monitoring behavior during social event.
10. Social functions will be no longer than five hours in duration; with functions on Sunday – Thursday to be held only between 5:00PM – 12:00 midnight.
11. Social functions are not to be held during finals week.
12. Written notification of social functions at which alcohol is present shall be turned into the Greek advisor’s mailbox no less then 48 hours prior to the beginning of the event.
13. There is to be no common source of alcohol. This includes but is not limited to kegs, party balls, and alcohol punch.
14. Alcohol can not be purchased with chapter funds, nor may the purchase of any members or guests be taken or coordinated by any member in the chapter.
15. Pi Mu may not co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor, charitable organization or tavern where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present.
16. Pi Mu may not co – sponsor or co – finance a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host chapters, groups or organizations.
17. No alcohol shall be present at any pledge/associate member/novice program, activity or ritual of the chapter.
18. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcohol beverages to any minor (those under the legal age to drink).
C. Admittance.
Admittance will be by guest list only, as described above. School I.D. and Drivers License I.D. will be checked at the door; those over 21 will receive a hand stamp. Admittance can be refused to anyone who is obviously under the influence.
D. Decorations/Refreshments.
Events should have a theme and decorations reflective of this theme. Activities appropriate to the theme are suggested. Refreshments to include non-alcoholic beverages and no-salt, high protein foods are suggested.
The team shall be broken down into: one or more designated servers/distributors, one or more door persons, one or more floaters (checking chapter property during the event), and one or more designated, alcohol-free drivers.
F. Follow pre-Event Checklist.
1. Relating To The Property – House Manager
2. Doors and fire exits clear and operational.
3. All fire extinguishers in place and charged, smoke detectors operational.
4. All facilities functioning.
5. Trash cans in place.
6. Interior and exterior lighting operational.
7. Walkways clear and unobstructed.
8. Interior stairs clear, handrails secure.
9. Emergency lighting operational.
10. Emergency action plan posted by phone.
11. Duties assigned.
12. Relating To The Event – Social Chairman
13. Sober crew assembled.
14. Guest list current.
15. Adequate ice and refrigerator space.
16. Refreshments (food and non-alcoholic beverages) in place.
17. Safe decorations in place (non-flammable).
18. Duties assigned.
G. Proper Notice.
In addition to B. 13 above, the House Manager shall have the responsibility of contacting the Chapter Advisor and Board President 48 hours in advance of any social event at which alcohol will be present.
These policies have been prepared in accordance with TKE National By-Laws and policies in effect at the date of this writing. These policies apply to all members of Pi Mu Chapter and guest of these members.
NOTE: Members in this context refers to members on the scroll and associates.
A. Pi Mu Chapter will not tolerate or condone any form of sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental, or emotional. This is to include any action that are demeaning to women including but not limited to date rape, gang rape and verbal harassment.
B. Verbal abuse may include: whistling; humor and jokes about sex, or male or female specific traits; suggestive or insulting sounds; sexual innuendoes about appearance or sexual activities of members or guests; and demands for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats.
C. Physical abuse may include: obscene gestures; staring suggestively; inappropriate touching, pinching, or patting; brushing against someone’s body; coerced sexual intercourse; and assault.
D. If a member is accused of rape or similar policy violations by a guest or non- member of Pi Mu Chapter: Remember that the chapter president is the spokesman for the Chapter. He should make all telephone calls in an emergency situation like this, as well as key decisions.
E. The president should contact the Chapter Advisor and Board of Advisors President immediately.
F. The president should then contact TKE national and inform them of the situation; request additional assistance from TKE National.
G. The president should the contact the Greek Advisor and inform this individual of the situation.
H. The president should make no statements to media regarding the situation pending the advice of legal counsel. “No Comment” is an appropriate response to any media inquires.
NOTE: NO OTHER MEMBER is authorized to speak to the media in this situation, as in other emergencies.
I. The president should advise the accused member of Pi Mu Chapter to seek legal advice.
J. Pi Mu Chapter will not sponsor or participate in any activities, including competitive games and philanthropic endeavors, that is abusive or demeaning to human beings.
K. Pi Mu Chapter will recognize the difference between having a good-natured and harmless event, such as celebrating a frater’s birthday with a bikini-gram, and hosting exotic dancers and/or wet T-shirt contests and similar. The latter is not in keeping with the intent of the policy.
L. Pi Mu Chapter will educate its members on the issue of sexual abuse.
Pi Mu Chapter will host educational programs as often as needed to increase member’s knowledge of this subject with the intent of avoiding negative situations in this area.
These policies have been prepared in accordance with TKE National By-Laws and policies in effect at the date of this writing. These policies apply to all members of Pi Mu Chapter and guest of these members.
NOTE: Members in this context refers to members on the scroll and associates.
A. Pi Mu Chapter will not conduct hazing activities. Hazing activities are defined as:
An action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quest, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips, or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the Chapter House; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; any other such activities that are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual, or policy, or the regulation and policies of the educational institution.
B. Hazing can be determined by a scan of these questions relative to any activity under consideration. If any has a negative answer, the activity should be eliminated.
1. Is this activity an educational experience?
2. Does this activity promote and conform to the ideal and values of the fraternity?
3. Will this activity increase the new members’ respect for the fraternity and the members of the Chapter?
4. Is it an activity that associated and initiated member participate in together?
5. Would you be willing to allow parents to witness this activity? A judge? The university president?
6. Does the activity have value in and of itself?
7. Would you be able to defend it in a court of law?
8. Does the activity meet both the spirit and letter of the standards prohibiting hazing?
C. Alternatives to hazing include:
1. Develop chapter unity of both associated and initiated members.
2. Promote scholarship.
3. Develop problem solving capabilities.
4. Develop social skills.
5. Instill a sense of brotherhood.
6. Build awareness of chapter history.
7. Develop leadership.
8. Develop knowledge of the Greek system.
9. Aid career goals.
10. Involved associated members in the community.
11. Improve relations with other Greeks.
REMEMBER: Hazing and alcohol often go hand-in-hand. Don’t allow alcohol to skew better judgement relative to associate member activities. A fair percentage of hazing in other fraternities has taken place because members under the influence used poor judgment.
These policies have been prepared in accordance with TKE National By-Laws and policies in effect at the date of this writing. These policies apply to all members of Pi Mu Chapter and guest of these members.
NOTE: Members in this context refers to members on the scroll and associates.
These are several procedures and precautions that group members should take in event that one of your fellow members develops what appears to be an extended illness. An ill member may ignore his or her condition or may not take the initiative and seek proper medical assistance. As responsible adults, we must be sensitive about our members’ physical and psychological welfare. If you become aware of a member who is suffering from a prolonged illness, please take action immediately by following these guidelines and by contacting the appropriate person who can help.
A. Initially, bring the matter to the attention of the ill member. Tell the member that you are aware of his or her ailing condition and that you are concerned.
B. Determine what kind of medical attention the member has sought. What kind of care has been prescribed?
D. If the ailing individual continues to ignore his or her physical or psychological state, the initial contact a concerned member should make (outside the immediate organization) should be with the Chapter Advisor. Information about the situation should be brought to the advisor’s attention, consultation should take place, and a specific plan for action should be established.
C. If necessary, the next contact should be the appropriate staff member in the Greek Affairs office. Contact the current Greek Advisor.
E. Following consultation with the staff members, it will be decided if the parents or guardians should be contacted and by whom. NOTE: The specific response will depend upon the individual situation.
F. It is extremely important that members be understanding and sensitive in dealing with cases of serious illness. There may be some situations when an ailing person will not want your assistance and will strongly object to any contact with his or her parents or guardians. It is important to respect the wishes of the person, however, you may find yourself in a situation where respecting a person’s desires may not be medically wise or sound.
G. The realities of the situation should not be ignored. Following these guidelines will help you deal with a situation in a considerate and helpful manner. Please contact the Chapter Advisor if you need assistance or advice.
Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the Epiprytanis who shall post the same on the bulletin board and present the same to the Chapter at the next regular meeting under new business for discussion after which the proposed amendment shall lay on the table until the next regular meeting when, if duly seconded and receiving a two-thirds favorable vote, it shall be declared adopted.